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Level 13
4903 / 106993

Health 1280

Mana 356

In the mythic realms of Atlantis, the illustrious god Oranos reigns supreme, a celestial deity whose dominion extends far beyond the terrestrial bounds of the ancient city. Adorned in resplendent robes that mirror the hues of the boundless sky, Oranos embodies the very essence of cosmic energy. With outstretched arms, he commands the swirling winds and celestial currents, a master of the atmospheric forces that govern the heavens. Legends speak of his benevolence, as he bestows favor upon sailors and aviators, guiding their journeys through the boundless expanses with the gentle caress of zephyrs. Yet, beneath the benevolent visage lies a deity capable of unleashing the tempest's fury when angered. Atlantean tales tell of Oranos' role as the cosmic weaver, intertwining the threads of fate with deft fingers, orchestrating the dance of stars and moons that govern the destiny of gods and mortals alike. In the heart of Atlantis, Oranos stands as a celestial sentinel, a beacon of divine power that illuminates the path between the ethereal realms and the mortal world.

Favor points transactions
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undefined has worshipped Oranos for