Health 1625
Mana 425
Vesta, a revered goddess in Roman mythology, presides over the sacred hearth and the eternal flame, embodying the quintessential values of home, family, and community. As the virgin goddess of the hearth, Vesta is often portrayed as a serene and veiled figure, emphasizing her chastity and devotion to her sacred duties. The flame tended by the Vestal Virgins in her honor symbolizes the perpetual fire that must never be extinguished, representing the continuity and endurance of Roman civilization. Vesta's significance extends beyond the domestic sphere, as she is also considered the guardian of the Roman state. The Vestal Virgins, priestesses dedicated to Vesta's service, played a crucial role in maintaining the sacred flame and were bestowed with esteemed responsibilities. Vesta's festivals, such as the Vestalia, were observed with piety and involved rituals to ensure the well-being of the hearth and the prosperity of the Roman people. The worship of Vesta underscores the deep connection between the divine and the everyday aspects of Roman life, emphasizing the importance of familial bonds, communal harmony, and the enduring flame that symbolizes the heart of the Roman home and state alike.
Level 1
Mana 60
Heals the caster
Cooldown 10s
Level 1
Mana 60
Buffs the caster
Cooldown 10s
Level 1
Mana 30
Damage 60
Cooldown 1s